Related Networks, Institutions, Events


Women in Polar Science Are you a "cool" woman in polar science? We'd love to hear a bit about you, and to showcase all the fantastic work that's being done by women in the field! twitter


Polar Pride Pride in Polar Research is a network of LGBTQ+ folk and allies in the Polar Research community. Polar Prode aims to create a friendly community in Polar Research which works to improve LGBTQ+ visibility and to support LGBTQ+ researchers.


Gender in the Arctic Research Network: mission statement, network members, conference materials. The main goal of the research network is to analyze the causes, consequences, dynamics and local variations of changing gender relations in the Arctic.


Gender Equality in the Arctic Network

GEA is an international collaborative project focusing on gender equality and diversity in the Arctic. We highlight the importance of recognition and appreciation of diversity in terms of discourses, gender, indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, governance, education, economies, social realities, sustainability and balanced participation in leadership and decision making both in the public and private sectors.



PLAN A is a digital storytelling platform that seeks to maintain a long-term focus on issues relating to women and gender in the Arctic. Learn more at and follow along @planarctic.


Women of the Arctic: Bridging Policy, Research, and Lived Experience" was a side event at the 2018 UArctic Congress, hosted at the University of Helsinki. #WomenoftheArctic built on ongoing academic efforts with the aim of carving out a non-academic space for women and girls who work on or live in the Arctic to explore the roles and contributions of women to northern policy-making, research, exploration, art, activism, and daily life. Extensive material and follow also along @planarctic.


Women in the Arctic Access barriers, such as transportation limitations, family responsibilities, geography, and funding hinder many women from participating in traditional networking. The Women in the Arctic and Antarctic initiative fosters a gender-positive environment to facilitate easily accessible international networking and information sharing. Information on contributing a profile is available on our website. Contact


International Conference on "Gender Shifts and Resource Politics in the Arctic", Uppsala, Sweden, 21-23 February 2017. 45 pages book of abstract and workshop materials.


Toward an Arctic Women's Summit was a breakout session at the 2018 Arctic Circle Assembly in  Reykjavik, Iceland. Speakers on the panel discussed lessons from global arenas focusing on empowering women and the possibility of an Arctic Women’s Summit, a  potential platform to raise awareness of and promote a continued focus on issues relating to women and gender equality in the Arctic. Program and follow along @planarctic.





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